Monday, October 12, 2009

Graduation days

Tyler graduated with his Master's May!!! ya, so this is a little late.

Just a little bit of background. Tyler graduated from BYU in 2007 with two degrees, one in Philosophy and one in Music (Organ) and a minor in French. He graduated summa cum laude. (or was it magna? it's the 2nd to the highest....). Ya, he's smart. See all those medals? And I'd forgotten what a little chub Jocelyn was.

Then onto get a Masters in Philosophy at the other school, the one up north. University of Utah. Our car with the BYU sticker didn't get smashed in the whole two years! He loved his academic experience there. Didn't have to pay a cent in tuition and was able to be a real professor for two years as he taught at the U and at SLCC (Salt Lake Community College). He loved it. And he didn't have to shave everyday or keep his hair super short.

So when he was not able to go on and get his PhD he was sad. Fortunately, though, he applied to BYU law school at the same time and was accepted, AND offered a scholarship (yes, I like to toot his horn about that, because, well, it's pretty hard to get into law school and then to get a scholarship on top of that is pretty cool). We decided we couldn't justify paying tuition for any other law school and live with that debt and so we chose BYU because it is so cheap (in case you were wondering).
So far, although he admits, law school is not as stimulating to his brain as philosophy was, but he seems to be enjoying it. His teachers like him, as far as I can tell. When you receive no red marks on your paper and the teacher asks to use it as an example for future students, that usually means they like you. Plus he's received 100% on his tests so far, which only a fraction of the 140 students can admit. I've learned a little about contracts and properties too. Though I still can't keep the terms in order. Anyway, I am proud of him and what is doing. I hope after these 3 years in school he'll be happy with where we've traveled in this academic stage of life. I've enjoyed it! I do hope, however, that he'll finish his schooling before Samuel does!

Here are some pics (courtesy of my father) from graduation at the U.

Tyler's sisters holding him up like in Anne of Green Gables (or Avonlea?) after she wins that scholarship thing. You remember that part?

Tyler's Fam

Jocelyn's diaper issues...I had to put it on w/o a changing table. awkward. While on this subject...did I tell you about the creepy thing that happened at this graduation?
Well, Samuel was getting (understandably) bored and decided he wanted to sit across the aisle in some empty bleachers. He was getting frustrated (in a silly way) that I was trying to taking photos of him. Well, then he thought it would be fun to run away from me as I was trying to get him to sit near us. Well, he was fast and I was literally running after him, looking in every entryway into the big stadium thing., until I couldn't see him. Then I turned around and headed toward the bathroom thinking he'd ran in there. I was starting to panic a little. Well, luckily he came out! He had to go potty! Okay, fine, I understand. But then this guy came in from outside. He was wearing rollerblades and looked kinda weird (like weird expression). And I did not have a good feeling about him. He wheeled up to Samuel and asked, in front of me, if he wanted some candy. He said he had some outside!! I looked out there and saw his knapsack sitting there. Was this guy for real? Did he just say what I think he did? I could tell that Samuel was stunned and did not oblige him in his offer. I, of course, declined. And then he made some comment like, "oh, the mommy says no". and wheeled off into the bathroom, the same one Samuel just came from!!! What a freak! If Samuel had been in there a few minutes longer I don't want to imagine what could have happened. I immediately scooped Samuel up and pulled him aside. I explained to him the danger of strangers and that I was sad that he ran away from me. It scared me and to never take offers like candy, from strangers. I think we both learned our lesson. That people at the U are creeepy. No, kidding. That running away from parents is not cool.

Good luck to you in the next 3 years my dear!!


  1. It was Anne of Green Gables, for the record. ;)

  2. I love your giveaways, by the way!

  3. K, I'm so impressed by all of Tyler's academic success. Way to go. I worked at the BYU law school for 3 years (with the helpdesk/web team folks) and always had fun seeing the 1st years die of stress, so have fun with that;). It'll be so worth it, it's a great education.
    And the creepy guy offering candy- I didn't realize anyone still did that, it's so cliche (in a yucky scary way)!


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