Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If you are democratic or voted Obama, don't read this. No, I won't say anything bad.

Yes, CNN, we know he is black and that he is the first black president ever. Thank you for the reminder. Though I do think he is much better looking than McCain.

I feel a little let down. Sort of like when David Cook won instead of David A in American Idol. I shouldn't have been so surprised but I am.

We'll see what happens in the next 4, and hopefully not 8, years. I hope socialism doesn't come full circle. Yes, it has it's perks. It was interesting to watch it in France when we lived there. It was like everyone was taking advantage of the system that was already trying to "help" them out.

Anyway, yes, change is always good, Obama. But I only pray our country will change for the better.


  1. Amen sister! I think there are already so many freakin free-loaders in this country, it will be super interesting to see unfold. I'm seriously scared for the well-being of our country.

  2. Diddo.

    And, to answer your question about Tralee napping, sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't. I try to lay her down everyday, but there are days she cries for an hour and just won't fall asleep. I give up those days. Then there are days where she cries for 15 minutes, then falls asleep for three hours. It all depends. I never know what's going to happen. I didn't even lay her down yesterday though, because I went to vote in the middle of her nap time, and by the time I got home I didn't even want to lay her down because it was too late.

    Wow. . . that was an extremely long and boring explanation. Sorry.

  3. Well we do have a system of checks and balance in our government... it's not like Obama can just come in and do whatever he likes. But I agree it will be very interesting to see what kind of change does happen.

    (Come on...David Cook rocks!)

  4. Nice warning for the fact that you didn't really bash Obama or anything. And you shouldn't be that surprised. I knew it was going to happen and it wasn't like your write-in was going to win, as much as I would love that.

  5. i too am anxious to see what kind of turn our country will take in the next 4 years. *sigh* i guess this is why we prepare our own homes for disaster... i mean not that this is a complete disaster...we just don't know what may happen in the next few years and i guess it is best to prepare for the worse. just incase. ;)

  6. I voted for Barack Obama thank you very much. I even went to the BYU democratic party....interesting, but i do hate people who are not open-minded like at the party, and not willing to accept the fact that everyone has good qualities, and it just so happened that obama had more.

  7. Hmmmm...I prefer not to think of people on government assistance as "free-loaders" aside from the seemingly large majority of US college students only attending college for the booze and sex despite the government aid that helped them to be there.

    I don't think that we will end up as a socialist country, but I do think that there is a great need of more government regulation on big business in this country, especially the evil of all evils: Walmart. I shudder just typing it.


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