Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pooping and popcorn

(I'll spare you a photo of pooping)

Well, we just finished watching the Oscars. I don't know about you, but I always dreamed of winning one myself. I even went as far as imagining myself thanking people such as my high school drama teachers. But I also had a dream of becoming a wife and mother and to me, Hollywood and good Mormon values didn't vibe. So I lost that dream (thank heavens) and now dream of clean underwear and no crying!

Today Samuel pooped twice, yes twice, in his underpants. After a few days of allowing him to stay in a diaper while he was sick, he did not poop. But he also did not eat. He had this terrible cough to the point that he vomited, at least 5 times over 3 days. And then he was so dehydrated, even after all the water we were pumping him with, that he woke up w/3 bloody noses, 3 separate times. What's the deal? I feel like a new-born mom again not to mention a laundress in old English times. Plus Jocelyn decided it was turn to be like her neighbor-friend, Josie. They must have swapped secrets because she is now migrating into our bed about 2:30 every morning.

Back to pooping (I am going to see how many times I can say that in one post...just kidding), fortunately, we had set up an appointment w/Samuel's awesome pediatrician a few months ago. It's a check-up specifically for his potty training. I had hoped I would have only good news to share w/him and will be sorry to report that he still has not earned his Lamanite Hero (for pooping at least 7 times on the potty). Instead I am hoping that will be a miracle doctor and cure Samuel, somehow. I really don't know what to do at this point.

Anyway, Tyler made some yummy caramel corn, which was fun for the Academy Awards. We are glad that Heath Ledger won (I was touched...I think he is a great loss). I am addicted to looking at fabric on Etsy and wholesale suppliers online. I have so many fabulous (at least I think so) ideas for my Etsy shop. I can't sew fast enough. I am working on napkin rings, table runners and photo boxes this week for my "Party in a Box" themed package. I keep getting great ideas from online and keep thinking of ways of bettering my original ideas. Anyway, it's fun and I hope I will be able to launch w/something big, on time :) So, if any of you want me to help decorate your kids next birthday party, baby shower or bridal shower, give me a call! I would love to help you out!


  1. I love that you have found this awesome outlet for yourself. You're on fire!

    I hope your pediatrician can work miracles for you! Parker can teach Sammy how to poop, if Sammy teaches Parker how to sleep. Deal?

  2. I cried during the Oscars when Heath won. We watched the Four Feathers this weekend and I marvel at his acting.

    Can't help you much with the poop thing. My oldest turned 10 today and he didn't potty train until he was nearly 4 1/2. Tom watched Bear in the Big Blue House's "Potty Time" video (while sitting on a little potty) several times and then we had to promise him a trip to Sea World... which we didn't make good on until he was about 8. Better late than never, right? Good luck!

  3. I don't have much parenting advice--but I will share this because I thought it was hilarious. As a missionary we were teaching a family with a little boy who was potty training and the little kid was running around the house with just a shirt on--and nothing else. I asked the mom why her boy was naked, and she said, "If I put him in anything else he will go in them and not in the toilet, but he won't poop on himself!" I laughed and kinda tucked it into the back of my brain for future reference.

    So there ya have it.
    Personally, I remember being sent to my room at 4pm for wetting my pants. I was horrible at being potty trained. My mother was so frustrated with me. She sent me to bed without supper once and I said, "Fine! I'll eat my boogers then!"

    I was such a golden child.

    Have fun being a parent!!

  4. Sorry, I meant 4 years old and not 4pm.

  5. That darned potty training!!! I have NOT enjoyed it at all! Such is life! The first time I got Jackson to go in the toilet I had made him sit on there for about one hour...he was sobbing but I knew he had to go. He still has his occasional accidents, but he goes to preschool and he gets in trouble if he goes in his pants so that has helped him. I don't really have any tricks...each kid is so different! If your doctor shares any secret with you, make sure to post it! Has Tyler tried giving him a father's blessing?? Maybe that would help?? Good luck!!

  6. I have no advice either. We haven't quite reached the potty training stage at our house. I don't think Tralee is quite there yet. Or, maybe I'm just too chicken to try it. Good luck at your doctors appointment. I'm with the rest of the commentators, if the doctor passes along any magical formula for potty training, be sure to post about it!

  7. Walker was 4 when he finally potty trained. I think some kids just aren't ready until they are older. I know it was stressful for my mom, it seemed like she was potty training for years with that boy. You should ask her what her secret was. I can imagine it would be so frustrating for you. I know Liam is frustrating with the whole potty training thing and he is 3. Good luck.

  8. Man sounds like a ruff children week!!
    I can't wait for your esty shop!
    Do you find good fabric deals on line?

  9. i don't even want to think about the day when i will have to potty train. all i can say is your doing better then i know how haha.

    as for this new hobby/job/outlet of yours... maybe if you wanted you could help me decorate for kaleb's first birthday. it's going to be a family get together but i still want it to be cute cuz well it would be FUN! let me know what you think.

  10. I'm so excited for your shop. I love all of your stuff so far. You're so creative and talented.


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