Well, with the encouragement and peer pressure (j/k) of friends and the desire/need to write my thoughts down and to show off pictures of beautiful kids, I have decided to start blogging again. Plus, maybe I'll spend more quality time blogging instead of eating!!!!
This is my first one since we left Paris. So, I suppose I should say goodbye to that phase of my life, change the title of this blog and move on with things. Ah, "Pah--r--ee". My little heavenly haven, but more so looking back on it than it actually was. At times I really didn't like it. But more so than not, I loved it. I am reminded of it in some small way at least once a day! And I don't even try to! It just pops into my mind. A thought, an image, a time, an experience. It's wonderful. And sometimes I feel very nostalgic over it. And then on those really bad days that I throw little pity parties for myself I wish I was there again. Only to escape my real world that I live in here. Sad, but true. As Tyler would say, I am trying to "escape reality". But it's true. Sometimes I wonder what I am doing and what I am thinking. If I am at all. When is the last time I truly thought deeply about something? Let's see.....today I helped in the nursery w/my new calling--"nursery song leader" singing songs w/hyper 2 year olds. At least once a day I am reminding Samuel how to count and recognize colors. so--toddler level thinking-getting deeper.....ummmm.....I thought about what I was going to wear today....ummm...I bought the same lotion at 2 different stores in 2 days forgetting that I'd already bought it the day before....so now I have 2 brand new Sauve cocoa butter lotions (oooh--new scent to try!) So, in other words, my brain is dwindling. I think I need to read. Maybe I'll attempt to finish Eclipse, even though I am still upset that there is a 4th one coming out!
And what's w/Dumbledore being gay? Stupid....pointless....
Well, this is why I have a hard time blogging...I ramble.
See ya soon!