When it rains it pours at my house. I had started a post about this but it was waaaay too long. So I am going to give you the condensed version.
We had to move. Our contract ended the day after finals (April 24). My cousin moved out of my Grandma's detached house at the end of March so we were able to move there!!! Huge blessing. But moving is a huge PAIN!!!!! So we decided to move before finals.
The week before we moved I got Mastitis (breast infection). Fever, chills, shaking, major headache, etc...I got on antibiotics. Then Cecily developed thrush and I got a yeast infection. More antibiotics, for both of us.
Tyler did not get the paid internship in SLC. darn.
We had to clean the new house before we could start painting/move in. Yes, we get to have color!!! Wahoo!
Painting is not easy especially with small children. We had to fill in all the holes, tape, wash walls, etc. I am a horrible painter, we found out. Tyler had to re-do a lot of my work.
We stayed up till 1 am every morning painting (2:30 one night).
Cecily still wakes up one to two times a night.
LUCKILY, we had a ton of help with the kids from friends. Thank you Marianne, Heather, Lori, Sarah, Mary and my Dad (who took the kids on a 12 hour car ride. Whoa! Bless his heart).
My back goes out the day we stay up until 2:30 am. Joy. Can't help move heavy stuff. Great. I walk like an old lady.
The move went well. Thank you to home teachers and my parents and Levi for helping.
We're living amongst a castle of boxes.
We get a call at 4 am. My grandma has fallen and can't get up. Scary but she's okay. That's why we're living here, to help out. No sleep again.
I am majorly sleep deprived. I am stressed.
Conference weekend, ray of sunshine!! What a wonderful weekend.
Jocelyn develops a fever that Sunday. I am rubbing her back while her head is in my lap. Samuel states that he too, wants to be "hibernated." In other words, coddled and paid attention to. Sure he has a great range of vocabulary just a lack of understanding in some of the words. lol.
Jocelyn crawls into bed with us 3 nights in a row. lack of sleep. We find out she has strep throat. Joy. More antibiotics. Hope no one else catches it.
Samuel is in trouble at school. Hitting and being mean to other kids. I did not intend to raise a bully. What is going on?? I am called to repentance for being to harsh on him.
Called the night before to substitute teach primary class, the first day in our new ward.
What else? It's snowed in those two weeks.
All in all, it's been a productive few weeks. We didn't have internet for about a week. It was nice to not have that distraction. Nor do we have cable yet. We're missing our shows!!
I'm exhausted and wonder if I'll ever be able to get caught up. My shop is closed for now. Our living room is still full of boxes. However, our new place is much bigger and I'll post about it later. We can breathe. The ceilings are taller and it has color!!
We are loving staying here. All the small annoyances of an old home have contributed to the stress but they're minor compared to the big things.
I hope my stress and anger levels will go back down once all the clutter is cleared. The old place is cleaned and vacant. The new place still has many projects to be completed but that will have to be done in due time.
Anyway, I just wanted to vent. It's been trying but educational. I've learned I need to be more patient and loving with my kids. I've learned that Tyler still can work together as a team and get things done. I've learned that I still don't' handle stress well but perhaps it's getting easier. Yay for antibiotics. Yay for helpful friends and family. Yay for a roof over our heads. Thanks for listening.