Okay, so I have this week to wrap presents, pack and clean my house before we go on vacation for two weeks! Yes, I have all my Christmas shopping done! (except for one more toy for Jocelyn--this whole birthday/Christmas at the same time thing is throwing me off).I am looking forward to the break but I feel a little stressed because I have several projects to get done before then!!!!!! Plus I've got social calls and visiting teaching to get done. Kris, can our Mcplay date happen at the new year? i still want to visit w/you!!!!But it is all fun stuff (except for cleaning) and for this, I look forward to it.
Plus I look forward to the time that Samuel will stop asking to go to Papa's house or for a present every single hour of the day. What am I doing wrong? My son thinks Christmas is all about presents! I have tried to tell him the Nativity story and that we celebrate Jesus' birth but it seems like my words just hit his forehead and fall onto the floor. Perhaps I am not being patient enough about telling him the true meaning.
So today we made a paper chain and each night he gets to rip a link off and that gets us closer to when we get to go to Papa's house. I thought it was a little too late for an advent calender. But he still doesn't get it!
Let me just tell you that he has been a naughty three year old this week! a terror! What happened to my sweet little boy??? For example, yesterday, while Tyler was attending to the kids, Samuel dumped the entire soup can sized jar of fish food into the fish tank! Needless to say, Tyler was furious! He had a paper to finish up and instead he was stuck cleaning out the entire tank while Samuel sat in time out in the bathroom (for about 1 hour) while I was setting up for our ward party that night! He has been like this all week! Just little things like sneaking snacks, dumping his entire toy box into Jocelyn's crib while she's sleeping, etc. And Tyler and I are baffled! What should we do? Lock him up? Hide toys? Scream, slap, yell? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Anyway, I know this is just a "phase" but I really hate it. Parenting keeps getting harder w/these new ages and challenges that come w/them! Remind me, why did I sign up for this parenting thing again?