Well, another year has gone by and this included Jocelyn turning one year old. I cannot believe another year has passed by already and my little baby is no longer a baby but a toddler. Her labor and delivery onto this Earth was not as easy as Samuel's (though it was still not difficult compared to others, I am not complaining) and she came out crying. And nothing has changed since. No, I am kidding. She didn't have colic but she was jaundiced and had to sleep in a light bed for a week. And as a result nursing came as a challenge. But since then she has been happy and healthy and put on all the normal weights and kept her hair and blue eyes! And though she is somewhat of a drama queen (though I had heard this is normal for girls) we love her "uh-oh's" and smiles, her long hair and her chubby thighs. She makes us laugh and she loves to cuddle. So here is a picture sideshow of my favorite gal.
I a wife and mother to 4 children: Samuel, Jocelyn, Cecily and Colin. We have moved 14 times in our 17 years together as a family. We now reside in Colorado.
Okay, those are just darling pics! Isn't if fun to see how they change and grow up? What fun! Darling, just darling!