I haven't posted in a bit but I've had things on my mind. So this is a bit of a deposit into my "blogging bank" so it will be a little jumbled and no specific them other than to brief you all about the thoughts swirling around in my mind.
*Creativity* Since my last post I've been obsessively checking out
Etsy. I love looking at stuff that people create, sell and make money from. But really I just like to get ideas. I love craft stores and can spend hours in them but know that I cannot spend too much money on too many projects at once as I know they cannot get done fast enough. But I need to use my creative bug and get it out of my system. So in the next few weeks I need to make (before Sammy's birthday) a digital alphabet scrapbook and a birthday banner made of cloth. I had so much fun picking out the fabrics and now I just need to assemble it. Don't worry I"ll post pictures. And thanks Melanie for letting me borrow your sewing machine :) Then I want to make a few "pillowcase" dresses and a handbag out of cloth placemats and napkins. Oh, I wish I could spend less time dreaming about how to create these projects and get them done!
*Jocelyn's 18-month check up*....2 months late. She is nearly 21 months old now. She hates doctors and doctor's offices. She remembers the battle wounds they give her (shots) and the crinkly white paper on the benches. She cried through most of the appointment and glared at the doctor when he was not actually examining her. But I am happy to report that she is normal in weight and height (she's in the 70/80%-tile range). But I was especially glad to find out that she is above average in speaking. The doctor asked how many words she says and I said "a lot." And he said, "like 50?" and I said, "ya, I think so." And he was surprised and said that she is doing well then, above average for her age. And so when I got home I made a list just to make sure I wasn't lieing to him and simply pleasing myself with my little talker . And she says at least 75 words, and those are just the ones that came to mind in 10 minutes. She repeats nearly everything we say. It's fun!
*Partners in crime* So Jocey is Sammy's little shadow. She does and says everything that he does. She just adores him. He used to say that she was his best friend. But as of late he "loves" Zach, the 6-year old neighbor, and his cousin, Olivia, whom he pesters and teases uncontrollably, is his new best friend. But anyway, when Samuel is not pulling on Jocelyn's hair (I honestly thought that was just a cliche) or tattling on her, they play really well together. As earlier stated, they were Aboriginal children once. They play trains and cars together. They mess up the house together and they both love watching "George" together. It's really fun to watch. I didn't think they'd get a long so well being opposite sex, 2 1/4 years apart, etc but they really do enjoy each other's company, for the time being. I hope it lasts a while but that they're criminal escapades don't last through their teenage years.
*teenagers* speaking of,....I was channel flipping one morning and came upon the Today show. They had this awful singer, dressed like a playboy bunny but w/o the ears singing a song that had lyrics something like "I kissed a girl and it was okay. I'm still innocent, and am not in love w/her" over and over again. There were teenage girls to grown women lip-synching the whole time. Are you kidding me? Do they know what they are listening to? Do they get what she is saying? Hello? ugh. What is our world coming to???
*5k* I am running my first 5k this Saturday. I am excited to complete this goal and hope I have the energy to reach my goal of running it in 30 minutes. We'll see :) I really do enjoy running now. It's fun and not so painful as I thought it was. I only wish it would steal some pounds away. At least it gives me more energy and a little more definition.
Well, Autumn is my favorite season. I only hope Utah will give us one this year. I have a lot planned already and now through Thanksgiving is booked. I hope I can complete some of these projects and still maintain a healthy temper w/my kids. I really hope my kids don't remember how poorly I sometimes raise them now. The poor things. They have to learn through me living vicariously through them as a mother. I hope they forgive me when they're my age.
Thanks for reading! It seems to be feast or famine w/my sporadic posts. See you next time!