Tuesday, October 28, 2008

updated video of New York

Sorry for all the fuss.....but I want all of my hours of work to be seen how I wanted it to...

Check out this higher quality version on youtube--it's a bigger screen too, just enlarge it--and watch it in high quality--there is an option under the screen to do so, it is SO much better

It's worth it...better than the blogger version.

And still read my comments a few posts down as well.


  1. good job on that video. man it makes one want to get out of utah and into the big city quick

  2. Fun, it seems it looks like it stands to the hype of a big city. So are you spending hours more on the rest of your trip?

  3. Very cool!! Loved the video. I relived some of my NYC memories while watching.

  4. Awesome video! You've got some skills, lady!

  5. I loved watching your video! It made me miss New York and want to go back.

  6. Good Job on the video. It made me miss our trip to new york. Hopefully I'll be able to take elliot back someday.

  7. Loved your video!! Hopefully you can live there some day! or anywhere cool! We still dream of Paris :(

  8. that video rocked and nice music selection! uh what was that song anywaY?

  9. hey sorry i didnt ask you about your trip on monday. but i want to hear about it! i liked the song, cant wait till i can go!

  10. Hannah, you are talented! I have never wanted to go to New York so badly! I'm impressed!

  11. Wow what a fun vacation! Great video...I know how many hours that can take!

  12. NICE video! I loved it. (And I'm glad I finally got around to watching it.)

  13. Brilliant! Bravo!! You make me miss it. And it seemed that food was a very important part of the trip.


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