Sunday, November 2, 2008

Some highlights of the past 2 weeks

This does not include Halloween. And I still have yet to finish the final New England video. Stay tuned...

Bean bags. Or "jingy bags" as Samuel calls them. My friend, Rashelle, kindly stayed over until 11pm to help me make these for the ward Halloween party. Then I stayed up until 2am to finish them. (They took so long bcse I appliqued numbers on them, and then I wanted them to be encased bcse I know the outer shells will inevitably become dirty. So I can wash them because the bag is removable.)

Then the next night my friends Melanie, Megan, Wendy and I all went out to Witches Night out at Gardner Village in South Jordan. It was fun to eat out at Paradise Cafe. Great suggestion, Megan! It was yummy. And they charged me for 1/2 sandwich but gave me a whole. Sweet! And we received many compliments from those in the restaurant. It was fun to get out! I also ran into my sister's sister-in-law, and my friend, Raylynn.

Did I already mention that Jocelyn crawls out of her crib now? Sleeping has become a battle again. It takes about 2 hours each night to get the little critters down. I have turned her crib into a "toddler bed" and re-arranged their bedroom for a change of scenery. And well, let me just say, my patience has been tried, A LOT this week. The scripture, that the relief society president shared today, that comes to mind is that there must be opposition in all things (2 Nephi 2:11). Here is what I found one night.

And I don't have a photo for this one....but today I finally cleaned the blood off the kitchen cabinets, canisters, fridge and anywhere else it happened to splatter onto from Tyler's "accident."

And last, but not least, I watched 2 of my nieces yesterday, all day, with the help of my mom. They got along really nicely but my kids were awful sleepers. I admire how well behaved my nieces, Olivia and Anna, were. At the end of the day I put them all in the bath and did not make huge watery mess. I loved my cousins growing up (and am still very close to them this day) and I hope my kids have the same relationship w/their cousins, no matter where they grow up.


  1. So Grant said that you look hot like a movie star in those witch pictures. you do look pretty good. And why did you watch the girls?

  2. Wholly cow you're ambitious! I would have sewn up a sloppy bunch of bean bags, and when they got dirty thrown them away until I needed to make a new batch. I probably would have still stayed up till 2am making my sloppy ones though, I'm a crappy sewer. . . well, just learning actually.

    We've been having sleep issues with Tralee as well. She used to sleep through the night, now she's been waking up in the middle of the night, and we can't figure out why! It's frustrating!! I want my 8 hrs of shut-eye before the next one comes! Good luck to you!

    Cute witch costume too!

  3. You make a beautiful witch! How fun...I wonder if they have something like that in Salem...if they do I bet it is probably distasteful and a little evil. Ahh well. Take care.

  4. Cute, I love the bathtub pictures. Those are always classic!

  5. Thanks for sharing! It's really wonderful for this old lady living in the Ohio all alone to keep up with what is going on!

  6. Your witch costume rocks. You look so pretty. And that sleeping together picture of your kids is priceless. Life is good.


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