Thursday, December 11, 2008


I forgot to mention that when I stripped Jocelyn of her jammies I put her back in her bed sans clothes. And then while I was bawling I could hear Samuel bawling. I asked him why he was crying again (he had already cried when I turned all the lights off to deter them from coming out of their room so it was pitch black, except for their nightlight) and he was worried about Jocelyn being virtually naked and going to bed cold. And then they came into my room and saw me crying and making a mess of myself and Sammy gave me a hug (another side note: I was explaining forgiveness to him as he did not want to deliver one of the goody bags to a neighbor whose son had been kind of rough with him. He actually remember a time that we visited them a year ago!!!! when the other boy tried to hug him and consequently pushed him down a few I was trying to explain to him that he needed to forgive this kid and that when he hugs me, even after I get angry with him, that is an example of tonight was extra huggy when I got short-tempered) and I, w/tears and a bit of whimpering, asked them to go to bed. And they did exactly that. (too bad crying doesn't work every time bcse I would use it every time). Answer to a prayer! Oh--and all the goodies I've received lately are great soul food. Thanks for thinking of me!


  1. Oh dear! Good luck finishing everything, and good luck with your kid-o's. Tralee didn't have a great night last night either. She was up since 4am and wouldn't go back to sleep. This morning she refused to wear clothes, and ran around sans diaper for just enough time to pee all over the floor. We're off to a great start!

  2. Hannah, you are superwoman! I am not making ONE homemade thing this year, and I'm kind of feeling like a slacker. Hey, at least we've got our girls' night next week. WOOT WOOT!

  3. Wow, Hannah! You are busy! I am not really doing a whole lot this year because we are going out of town but I sorta feel your pain. I hope that everything works out with your projects and that your kids go to bed and actually SLEEP!

  4. I read that give up link. Interesting and good in a way!
    Hannah I want to laugh and cry for you at the same time. I was thinking this morning....motherhood/wifehood is a lot of work but I am glad he chose me for the job.
    Schedule in some..dancing around wild with some christmas music with your kids.....
    You are a wonderful lady and you are an angel, you are awesome...I try to take each Christmas as a learning experience...then the next year...try to make it easier....some is like a big science experiment!
    Anyway don't know if that helped or made you grumpy....I hope you are having a better day!

  5. yes i would like to live somewhere warmer if our job could be as good. it wouldnt even mind lots of rain. maybe out of the country, there are nice places outside the states. where would you want to live if you could choose?


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