Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Like mother like daughter

Why is it that little girls naturally do this on a regular basis? I didn't teach Jocelyn to wear my shoes, wear necklaces or carry a bag around. I suppose I did by example though. I, did, however, teach her to scowl....yes, I am very good at that.
Well, I think it is innate. Samuel was immediately attracted to trucks, trains and dinosaurs without me even suggesting he play with them. Jocelyn used to play with his same toys, especially because she does whatever he does. But in the last five months or so she has become more girly and obsessed with material things.

Do you see a resemblance?


  1. Wow, I can't believe how much she looks like you. What cute little girls...When did your hair turn curly? Josie wears my mom's shoes every where. It's funny that they find this out all on there own. Our silly girls.

  2. She looks exactly like you...exactly! I would guess it was the same little girl in both pictures! How precious! What a cutie she is.

  3. I certainly love her BAG!! lovely little girl you have there. My boys also love to dress up.

  4. That is so cute! She does look a lot like you.


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