Thursday, July 2, 2009

  • extra saliva
  • nauseous from 11 AM on...
  • all too familiar with the porcelain throne
  • weight gain
  • In bed by 9:30/10 PM, if possible
  • tossing and turning all night
  • lack of motivation to do much of anything
You guessed it, I'm pregnant! 10 weeks along to be exact. Due the end of January. I am nervous, scared and a bit excited all at the same time. Just thought I'd let you know :)


  1. Congratulations!! I hope you feel better, and I hope the wedding goes well tomorrow. :)
    No matter what people say, three is not that much harder than two, don't worry, you'll be great!

  2. Congrats!!!!! I hope this morning sickness doesn't stick around too long.

  3. Hooray! I hope all goes well!:D

  4. ConGRAAAATS! I am SO excited for you. (Though I'm not excited about the puking part... that's the worst!)

    I'm so happy for yoU!

  5. Congrats! I am sooooo excited for you to have a new little one.

  6. Congrats again. I know what you mean...I felt like that too for the first trimester. Now that I'm in the second trimester its getting a lot better. Good luck. I can't wait to see you again in July.
    Looks like you are having so much fun this summer. Your kids already look bigger. Time just fly's.

  7. Congrats Hannah! I'm due in January too.

  8. woohoo! yay for the new baby!!!

  9. Congrats!! How exciting. I hope my turn comes soon..

  10. Hooray! So happy for you! Rest easy. :)

  11. Congrats! I hope the pregnancy just gets easier from here...


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