Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pregnancy update

For those of you that are curious, here is a "belly shot". However, in this phase of life I hate being in photos. So, I made this one small. Just pretend my weird facial expression and all the shadows aren't there but to give added effect.

I think I am ready for this little girl to come soon. I have come to accept the fact that we'll most likely (anything can happen) be bringing this little girl home in January. I think I'm okay with having three children now. I am excited to have a little one, to see her little hands, and other small things that come with babies. I'm excited for the kids to see her too. I feel her move a lot. She makes odd and sporadic movements and it's fun to feel. I feel bad because some of my pants are too tight in my belly area and I feel like she's pushing out like, "hey, give me some room here." I also can't wait to try to have my "old" body back. Which, let's be honest, I am not one to bounce back quickly. But feeling a bit smaller will be nice.

Names we're thinking of: Madeleine, Rosalind, and Lilian. I doubt we'll decide until she's born.


  1. Dear hannah,

    I miss our thought provoking talks. And I can't believe you are about to have #3. What?

    That is all,


  2. Lillian is probably what we'll name our next girl. LOVE that name. You're looking great!

  3. I like madeliene. Rosalind is too close to jocelyn and my name, people will call her rosie. and i like lillian, but would you actually call her that or lily?

  4. plus marci and alex's kids will get them confused with lily cox


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