Monday, February 1, 2010

My 3 kids

Wow. I can't believe I've been a mom of 3 for almost 2 weeks now.

My help left today. It hasn't hit me yet. I think it will tomorrow. I'll blog about my little helpers later on. Many of you asked if my other kids had as much as hair as Cecily did. And here is a visual to answer your question.

All of my kids were conveniently born in even years and at the end of the month. I think this was done to help my forgetful mind remember their birthdays.

Samuel, top, born September 23, 2004. Weighed 6 lbs 6 oz. Labor: 6 hours.

Cecily, middle, born January 21, 2010. Weighed 7 lbs 3 oz. Labor: 6 hours.

Jocelyn, bottom, born December 27, 2006. Weighed 6 lbs 8 oz. Labor: 8 hours.

I think Samuel wins with the most hair. Jocelyn does with the darkest. And Cecily with the most "wave." They've all made the same facial expressions. These photos are at varying ages. Samuel is a few weeks old, Jocelyn, jaundiced, a few days old and Cecily is 1 day old. I normally think most babies are sort of not cute when they are first born. Samuel looked like a little old man, Jocelyn, like a little rat. Cecily has been the prettiest so far. Don't worry, I don't think I am offending them. I looked like a monkey until I was 3 years old! See!


  1. haha monkey baby. Jocelyn looks so depressed in that photo. and sammy looks more like himself as a newborn, he grows out of it later and then comes back to himself. cute!

  2. They are too cute! Love the hair. Don't worry about offending them, I thought my daughter looked like an alien with her eyes as big as they were. She grew into them, but it was startling at first. :)
    I am a little discouraged looking at the weights on your babies. My doctor told me that subsequent babies tend to be larger than the previous... which seems true in your case.
    Mercedes was 8lb 4oz, Benji 8lb 15oz, and so that makes me wonder what this third one will be... I'm due in mid April. Hopefully he won't be too big!

  3. A monkey!? LOL! You are such a nerd. You may have hair babies, but NONE of you look like monkeys. :)

    And Cecily is gorgeous!

  4. I can't stop laughing at this post! From the Derek Zoolander poses your kids give, to your remark about looking like a monkey. I'm cracking up! You have gorgeous kiddos! I love that you have 3 of them now! Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations Hannah!! She's beautiful, jaundice cap and all.

    YOU really look like your mom now!

    Hope it's all going well ♥

  6. Beautiful family! Congratulations! I'm going to look forward to future posts and see how much time you have to do them!

    Aunt Charlene

  7. Met your grandma today at church! So excited that you will be joining our ward. I think you will love it, and it will be nice for me to have a same year Law school wife there :)


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