Friday, August 9, 2019

Colorado Shakespeare Festival

August 8th (Happy Birthday Alex): Romeo and Juliet

Grandma and Grandpa Furber were unable to use their tickets to the Colorado Shakespeare Festival because Grandpa's health was too poor at the time. So they gave us their tickets! We went with Tyler's aunt and uncle Mike and Marcia.

Cecily and I stopped at McDonald's for dinner then drove up to Boulder with M & M. We parked and walked to the student center to eat. Just as we got under shelter a downpour of rain came from the skies. I wondered if it would delay the outdoor performance but it didn't. Their tech crew quickly got to work mopping the stage so it was safe for the actors to perform on. They provide backed seats for the benches (thanks heavens, my back would have died!) at the amphitheater, situated right in the middle of campus. I confess, the facilities are not nearly as nice or updated as Utah Shakespeare Festival. The overall feel, including costumes, sound, music and acting did not meet the high standard of USF, however it was a great performance, nonetheless. And I'd go back, especially with our kids.

Cecily was excited to go as this was her first Shakespeare experience. During the school year she just completed she had read an abridged version of several of his plays. She even checked the book out twice to re-read them because she enjoyed them so much. Fortunately his most famous play, Romeo and Juliet was in that book so she was familiar with the story. Then she read the program to learn even more. She was telling ME what it was about, as I tried to brief her on it. I don't know how much she really understood with the language. She had lots of questions like why were girls dressed as guys, were they using real swords, were they actually crying, etc. Otherwise, she understood the plot which I was impressed with as it was over 2 hours long. It got cold once the sun set so we shared my sweater and munched on candy I snuck in when we she got a little tired.

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