Wednesday, September 15, 2010


While we were in St George over Labor Day Weekend (see previous post) we were able to pick peaches at one of the Church orchards in Hurricane (pronounced Her-i-kun). They had already picked all that they needed for canning and needed the rest to be picked or they'd be wasted. So they announced in Church to come on up and pick the next day. Know what the best part was? They were FREE!!!

So Tyler, Cecily, Troy, Jana, Carson and I headed up there and we came home with 100 lbs of peaches! I canned 25 quarts of them, ate some, froze some and dried some. And had to give the rest away. Tyler got a little ambitious about picking so many.

A great Halloween costume?
She didn't like the pile of peaches after all.
Troy showing the "peachy" ripe ones and the yellow not so ripe one.
They were so fuzzy! Like a new babies head.


  1. That would be so awesome. Peaches are so much better from the tree than from the store.

  2. How lucky to get some peaches for free. I am looking forward to eating the ones on my counter after my nap.
    Cecily is a doll!

  3. My mouth is totally watering just looking at the pictures of peaches! One of the best foods on the planet!

  4. "millions of peaches, peaches for me"


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