Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The reveal.......almost

Well, if you guessed a kitchen, you were right! Give yourself a high five.

Just over 2 weeks (not including the 2 months it sat under/near our carport) and $100 later, I gave Jocelyn her birthday/Christmas present early. Because I couldn't wait to give it to her. And.... it was hard to keep it a secret and....because it wouldn't exactly be easy to haul it to Colorado for Christmas.

Here is the before picture again:

Here is the after! Without all the little details added. I am very pleased with the final product. I'll tell you about all the details in a later post. The important thing is that Jocelyn is happy (and Samuel too)!!

Now, here's where I need your help. Which fabric do you think I should use to make the cafe curtain?

A. Just the strawberries?

B. Just the stripes (they have to go horizontally because it's only half a yard.

C. the stripe on top of the strawberries?

Here is my thinking. I loved the food themed retro fabric. Perfect for a play kitchen. But I bought these two fabrics online so it's hard to see true colors through a screen. And I initially wanted to make a valance with the striped stuff on top of the strawberry stuff, cute and gathered and such but then I realized how perfectly the striped stuff matched on it's own. And then I wondered if it was too muted to go with the strawberry stuff. And two different styles. And although the striped stuff matches perfectly it almost seems too mature and not playful enough for this play kitchen. So what do you think?

Once I come back from a little trip to D.C. I will finish the curtain and the little details and give it a complete reveal!


  1. I like just the strawberry fabric...what a cute idea. Why to go Hannah.

  2. I love it! I would just do the strawberry fabric.

  3. I like just the strawberry fabric too. Nice work!

  4. I promise I already made up my mind before I read those 3 comments. I like the strawberry fabric on its own. The kitchen is so cute!

  5. Ditto... just the strawberries. So cute and crafty you are!

  6. oh wow, i am SO impressed. i vote C; i love the combo!

  7. Holy smokes! That looks incredible. You rock. I like the plain strawberries best.

  8. Wow! That looks so awesome! What a cool toy, and what a cool mom.

    I like the plain strawberries the best too.

  9. CUTE!!! I vote for strawberries. Also, Tralee's new favorite thing to do on the computer is feed your blog fishies. In fact, she's upset that I'm typing this at the moment, because she wants to play with the fish. Thanks a lot! :)

  10. That is so cute!!! I am impressed on the total transformation, I never would have guessed the beginning after seeing the end. You can't go wrong with either!!

  11. Looks Good! I like the strips. And why are you going to DC? whoa.

  12. Very very cute. I like the stripey fabric, but it looks more rustic (a la hacienda/rancho kitchen) and the kitchen doesn't--so I'd go with the strawberries, which are also very cute..

  13. I like the combo...but the plain strawberries would be cute, too!

  14. Hannah this is so dang cute!!!!! You are truly amazing. I like the strawberries, definitely.

  15. That is AMAZING!!!! Oh my gosh you are my hero!


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