Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Tyler is pretty talented. A renaissance many, really. That's why I married him, after all. We went to a dinner w/one his professors and she and her husband listened to our "credentials" like all of his foreign languages studied, and the Humanities/fine arts studied b/w the two of us, they realized we should have lived at least 150 years ago. It's true, I think we would have done well living back then. But which time period would I choose? That would be hard.

Anyway, pretty much anything Tyler does, he's good at. It makes me jealous sometimes. Other times it just wants me to work harder at my "skillz". So I don't look like a total bimbo next to him. But I refuse to ever be a "trophy wife." No siree Bob, I do not aspire to that title.

He started playing flag football last year as a law student and has done so every semester since. The kids love to go his games and finally he had one before bedtime so we all bundled up, brought our traditional mug of hot chocolate and tried keeping Samuel off the actual field, thereby being tackled or trampled over.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to hear a woman proud of their man. I am a complainer on the subject. Tyler is amazing, but I think he would have to be to get a gem like you.


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