Friday, February 15, 2008


do you feel guilty for being a working mother? Or for those who have (but quit recently due to pregnancy) in the past?


  1. I swore that I would never work as a mom. my mom never did. But here I find myself working from home. Out of 2 for my creative outlet, and 2 to get out of student loan debt.

    I find though that I am ONLY happy when I am always putting first things first. I have to put my husband and kids and me first BEFORE I can feel ok about working. There are times when I have to work more of course, but really, I see it as a way to make our family healthier. It is a challenge. Every day I am trying to figure out how to do this. It isn't easy. but I also wouldn't be doing if Heavenly Father REALLY told me I needed to be doing this. He knows that we all need certain things at certain times, and this was one of them.

  2. Tag! You're it. Go to my blog for directions

  3. I feel guilty. :) But I agree with Sarah that you have to take care of yourself first. It's a fine balancing act.

  4. Are you thinking of getting a job?
    When I feel guilty about not focusing on my kids during the day because I have to sew a bag or whatever, I remember the days of old when moms churned butter and hand washed the clothes and really worked ALL DAY and kids didn't have X Boxes or TV to keep them busy. So we are all doing the best we can, right?


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