Monday, June 7, 2010

Relief Society

Alright friends!
I've been called to be the Relief Society party planner. haha. Not quite like that. The RS Enrichment activity leader person.

So I need your that we can do our own thing each month or quarter or whenever the doors are open to so many options.

What I need to know is what works for you and your ward? What has worked in previous wards? What do you like or dislike about activities? What were your favorites? Least favorite?

Please, pass along your ideas. Thank you!

OH, and don't forget to pass on the word about the PDF Pattern now in my shop! Offer still good until this Friday!


  1. I was just called to that too! Last Sunday! (I met you at Design Mom's conference!)

  2. My ward does a service auction that is tons of fun. Ladies donate services in any form: free meals, house cleaning, babysitting, as well as hand made items like cards, aprons, crocheted items, etc. When everyone arrives they receive a questionnaire that provides the "currency" for the evening. Each question has a point value, i.e. Did you pray this morning? 5 points, 5 points for every child you have in school, 10 points if you have a 72 hour kit, 15 points if you served a mission, etc. If you are interested I kept the questionnaire from our last auction and can scan it for you. Once everyone has added up their points, the auction begins. Around here everyone is always laughing their heads off and having a great time!


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