I made the mistake of forgetting our stroller so I had to pay more to rent one. And because the gardens are so large and you want to get your money's worth, we were there for a very long time. Which made for very tired children. Luckily, the weather cooperated and was not too hot that day :) The kids did really well and we all had a great time! Even after Jocelyn lost a shoe at the very end, or was it a bow? Now I can't remember. You'd think I would know.....hmm.....this is why you blog before you forget it all. haha. Oh, yes, I remember. Now that I am looking at the photos. It was a shoe, a flip-flop. She went barefooted through some luscious green grass and somehow lost it. We went back as soon as we realized it was gone and retraced our steps but could not find it anywhere! Oh, well. They were a garage sale find. Not a big deal. I wonder how she got back to the car without them....hm...maybe I had 2nd pair? Or she just walked barefoot. Fun!
Oh, by the way, the first and only other time I went to these gardens was while I was dating this other guy named Brinton. That day we found a frog in a bunch of flowers and I was being brave and picked it up. Well, it peed on me. Guess it wasn't meant to be? That frog was not my prince (nor the guy I was with)!
Now for a ton of photos! Secret garden, archways, sleeping baby, grasshoppers, mazes and lots of water!
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