Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Trying to enjoy the simple things in life

We've had several lessons in Church lately about President's Uchtdorf's talk "Of Things that Matter Most." I realized, finally, that it was something I really need in my life. I have read and re-read the talk several times, with a prayer in my heart, that I will figure out how it can relate to me! But my head is being awfully thick and I can't let go of my pride because it is sinking in awfulllly slowly. Don't get me wrong. I am in a very good place right now. Emotionally and mentally speaking. Perhaps you remember when wasn't like here and here. Life is good right now. The only thing I can complain about is having too much to do! I'm never bored!

However, I know I need to simplify my life when I don't notice the simple and small things like these:

A toy Jocelyn had left in the soap dispenser. It was a fun little surprise to find it as I filled the dishwasher.

Or these little marshmallow people Jocelyn made to go in Samuel's star wars ship (the mini ones). Notice, how simple I was? I didn't even wash the table before I took the picture for you guys :)

I am these little people's mother. I am the only one they have. Gulp. Sometimes they wish they had another. Sometimes I wish I could go off-duty. But I can't. We are bandaids. I am stuck on them and they are stuck on me. We help each other out. We are growing up together. I guess, my college diploma doesn't automatically grow me up?

I really need to stop and enjoy these little critters, like now. Be in the moment now! Stop thinking about how I want it to be in the future and focus on what I can do now to get there instead of trying to get there now.

(When is asked what he thought of love on V-day, this is what he said, lol.)

Enjoy their changes.
J is growing up too fast. Look at those pants and shoes?! She dresses herself. I can't keep up.

Watch the milestones
(live, as in "live in New York City" not live, as in, "I live in a house").

More on this subject later when I can gather my thoughts more cohesively :)

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